The Young Writers Initiative is dedicated to helping authors through their writing journey. While we are no longer offering these services, we are proud of the incredible work we did in this space giving these services to over 500 young writers.
Editing is the most expensive part of the journey. With our qualified editors, we wanted to give you those services at an accessible rate.
What did we edit?
Non-Academic Essays
Short Stories
What kind of editing services did TYWI offer?
Technical Editing
Developmental Editing
How much did it cost?
Our services were volunteer-based and free.
At The Young Writers Initiative, we value learning. A young author's best tool is the information and resources they are given. Whether you want to learn, teach, or bring writing workshops to your students, TYWI is ready and able to help you. We held weekly online workshops either through zoom or Instagram live. We saved these workshops on IGTV and YouTube.
What are book review services? You have completed your book! Now comes the hard part, getting people to read your wonderful writing. Reviews are a known way to get your book out there. We want to review your book honestly and post it on our blog.
TYWI did not charge to review books, so only expect our reviewer's honest opinion. We wanted to promote your book, but we will not falsely advertise it. You must send a digital PDF / an accessible drive link of the PDF copy of your book or (if you want) a physical copy for no cost.
Our cover design service was strictly for young writers who were looking for an accessible way to self-publish commercially. We would've made your cover from scratch, by illustrating it or using copyright-available stock images to create your cover. Our services were not targeted for platform publishing (e.g. Wattpad).
How much did you charge?
It varied and would've depended on the amount of work needed to create the type of cover you're seeking, your method of use, and your personal cover designer!
Writing advice and workshops can only go so far to specifically help you, but talking about your book, your circumstances, your publishing process, and more to someone is immensely helpful. In a one-on-one call with one of our board members or experts, you would've been able to consult with us on anything writing, and we're here to listen and guide you.
This is an exclusive program for our wonderful volunteers who do so much for us.
This service is FREE for volunteers.