Young Writers Can Change the World

Learn About Us
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Young writers have the power to change the world, and TYWI provides them resources, community, and support to pursue their projects and share their stories. Join our mission to build the next generation of global young writers.

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Our Chapters Bring TYWI's Mission to Local Communities

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The Young Writers Initiative (TYWI) Chapters leverage the resources, knowledge, and support of TYWI to establish writing clubs all over the world. Our chapters have published literary magazines, journals, major author events, and more. Check to see if there's a chapter near you, and if not, bring the love for writing to your community!

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How Can You Get Involved?

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Start a Chapter

From URL to IRL, TYWI will give you the resources, ideas, and opportunities to impact writers in your community in the ways they need the most.

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Impactful Partnerships

Our strategic partnerships have helped our organization bloom to support numerous young writers since the founding of TYWI.

Our Partners
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We strive to educate, inform, and ignite action on pressing issues.

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Join us

Work with our expanding team to create a tangible impact on the members of our organization.

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Our Mission

At The Young Writers Initiative, we empower young writers worldwide by offering Chapter Programs in schools and hosting Write-a-thons that inspire creativity, foster self-expression, and support them in pursuing their dreams.

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All of our services are free or benefits of volunteering. We are dedicated to making sure every young writer gets the resources they need to improve and succeed. We try our best to give our volunteers and clients all the resources we can, but never compromise on accessibility.

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Creativity is a pillar of writing and art. We seek for all our members and young writers to think out of the box and pursue creativity in all they do. Our contests and literary journal prompt you to be creative and explore the parts of us that makes us creative.

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Not only do young writers need resources, they need constructive feedback that will improve their writing. Our services are geared towards providing young writers the truth, and giving them the tools to improve.

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We strive to educate, which is the purpose of our IG LIVE workshops, School Workshops, and upcoming mentorships. We structure our volunteer programs on an educated basis, organizing bootcamps for editing, reviewing, cover design, etc.

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Volunteers are the foundation of The Young Writers Initiative. Giving back to the community while gaining real skills applicable to the real world is a valuable experience, and one that gives back to the community.

Join our mission

Your donation empowers young writers

Our Sponsors & Partners

Our impact, in their words

These testimonials can highlight personal experiences, stories of transformation, or expressions of gratitude for our organization's work.

TYWI was such a great opportunity for me to connect with fellow writers. It's very lonely, working on this craft, but this initiative allowed my to join a community of talented people working towards their own individual goals. It's so inspiring to have people back you up, share resources, and give validation. Thanks TYWI!


I absolutely loved TYWI's 12-hour Write-a-thon! Not only was it jam-packed with interesting workshops, but there were so many different events in it, including expedited submissions for various lit mags and TYWI's own 'Twisted Winter' competition. I learned so, so much, talked to an extremely supportive community, and even submitted to a lit mag for the very first time! I really enjoyed this event and am looking forward to future opportunities that TYWI had to offer.

Anisa Uddin


Coming into the Write-a-Thon as a young educator who was at one point in the shoes of so many of the participants, I found the experience absolutely invaluable. To see so many bright voices connecting over their writing and encouraging one another in their work was really magical and heartwarming. These spaces like the one TYWI created are necessary for young writers.
